Mubarak harbor and the future of Iraqi- Kuwaiti relations


  • طالب حسين حافظ مركز الدراسات الدولية، جامعة بغداد


Mubarak harbor, Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations


This research, which is entitled "Mubarak harbor and the future of Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations",focuses on the historical facts that led to the deduction of Kuwait from Iraq, then establishing the Emirate of Kuwait, andthe British role in it. It also deals with the geographical importance of Khor Abdullah and surrounding coastline borders of the area and the idea of establishing a harbor in the region to serve the British goals to isolate Iraq. The research also sheds light on the political development of Iraqi– Kuwaiti relations and the role of the foreign factor in perpetuating the idea of separation and continuous hostility, a matter that leads for existing problems between the two sides and that has not been resolved in a satisfactory way for both sides so far. As a result, we see that Kuwait is moving ahead towards the establishment of the harbor, while Iraq is stuttering in buildingFawharbor despite the vitality and importance of the project and its impacts on the future of Iraq and the region.





