Iraqi nayinal security and anti terrorism "stuay inm problematic adminsatration


  • منعم صاحي العمار كلية العلوم السياسية/ جامعة النهرين.
  • شيماء تركان صالح كلية العلوم السياسية/ جامعة النهرين.


Iraq , ISIS , Al-Mosul


This study targets to research about the available opportunitiefor Iraq to face ISIS challenge and in the same tim to rconsider about its securty factors according to the right bases that can throught it to make use from the current experiment and its receptivity, especially after Al-Mosul event in 2014, on the both sides the provincial and international on condition that receptivity guarantee the durability in its national policy and adopt militry ideology and strategy which can result from it employ the changes in order to reach to the goal in quickertime and less cost.It is administration's dilemma by all its delails. The sources are available in all its types and the provincial, international change began and in the Iraq interest. Iraqies have nothing to do only to insist on their determinations and minds to manage the imge for what they are looking for from security and let their confrontation to ISIS not only challenge for confronttion, but possession for acheivment and that is the stratege administration which suppose to attend in the Iraqi politicians minds. It is just acall and discharge of reliability





