The impact of social factors on foreign policy: public opinion as a model


  • أ.م.د أثير ناظم الجاسور


Every country in the world in which the external political decision is formulated according to two visions, the first is what the leader determines according to the study of the environmental and psychological factors for him after the person of the leader is subjected to the study to know the trends, coordination and belief of this leader, and the second is done through the decision-making unit or the team that helps the leader formulate the decision And making it and preparing it for implementation according to certain tools that play a role in implementing it and taking it out in the best way to interact with the events and face the challenges with it and what the national and national interest of the country requires, but this does not mean that the decision-making process is not affected by the factors that some consider essential and others secondary. Decides the fate of the state, whether factors related to geographical location, economy, diplomacy and international public opinion, They affect directly, which makes the state determine its orientations according to the external activity that takes place or even if it is a reaction to an important issue that everyone considers to be at the heart of the national security of the state, and the internal factors (social factors) that some see as factors directed through the social engines that play A role in the formulation of the decision or have a role in making the decision-making unit within the state dependent on the reactions of these drivers by measuring the cases of rejection and acceptance of important issues related to the state, its interests and objectives, Therefore, the process of calculating the levels of influence for these factors includes a kind of stress and complexity by calculating the developments in the global system and the process of modernization in the degrees of participation and interaction between political systems and society, and therefore they are parties involved in the decision-making process after it has been analyzed and the extents of difficulty surrounding it. decision making within countries.


