Political development in Iraq between democracy and consensual


  • أسعد طارش عبد الرضا كلية العلو السياسية/ جامعة بغداد.
  • فراس كوركيس عزيز كلية العلو السياسية/ جامعة بغداد.


Iraq, political , economical and social situations


Iraq did not witness any real democratic practice since the formation of Iraqi state in 1921 till April 2003. There are minor seeds of democracy in some factions' different times but it destined to fail because of political, economical and social situations and hegemonic practice of regimes accompanying these seeds. Since the American occupation in 9/4/2003 talks about democracy and democratical transformation pinpointed in the political, social and cultural corridors. Toppling of the dictatorial regime granted a chance for Iraqi people to establish a modern democratic constitutional and civil state and open the horizons in front of a new Iraq taking over democracy as an approach to govern all sects, factions and ethnic groups according to the announced targets of all political, social and religions powers, but the legal question is about the manner of practicing democracy in Iraq and the pillars on which it stands.





